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Weyerhaeuser Company(NYSE:WY)今天公布2007年第一季度净利润为7.55亿美元,或摊薄后每股3.22美元,销售额为39亿美元。

(标志: -a.)(标识: -b.)2007年第一季度的收益包括以下税后项目:——通过向Weyerhaeuser股东分配优质票据业务和相关资产,获得7.56亿美元的收益,即摊薄后每股收益3.22美元。该收益包括7400万加元的加拿大税收优惠资产减值和关闭成本费用为4900万美元,或摊薄后每股20美分。




--7.46亿美元的费用,或摊薄后每股3.03美元,用于注销与精细造纸业务相关的商誉。-房地产业务收入1200万美元,或摊薄后每股5美分,与保险回收和合伙企业重组相关的递延收入确认有关。第一季度经营业绩摘要——林地——由于西部供应减少,原木价格有所提高木制品——市场环境依然艰难纸板、包装和回收——较高的纤维和能源成本,加上较低的需求影响了性能纤维素纤维——吸收性纤维的价格持续走强,这是Domtar交易完成后该部门关注的焦点房地产和相关资产——该板块成交减少,利润率降低,土地和地块活动减少公司和其他——结果反映了Domtar交易的收益。审查CBPR业务的战略备选方案manbetx apk手机版



该公司董事长、总裁兼首席执行官Steven R. Rogel表示:“在第一季度,我们承诺将惠好专注于我们有规模和范围取得成功的业务。”“通过完成创新的Domtar交易,我们通过免税交易为股东创造了重大价值,并减少了2500多万股流通股票。但本季度我们也面临着巨大的市场挑战。作为回应,我们积极管理生产、成本和库存水平。

“当我们展望第二季度时,我们看到我们的许多市场继续面临挑战,特别是在木材产品方面,我们预计季节性需求增长将低于正常水平,”罗格尔说这些条件只是强调了我们需要继续改善经营业绩,并保持对我们正在实施的战略计manbetx apk手机版划的高度关注,以便为股东创造更多价值。”

总结第一季度金融突显出数百万(除了每1 q 2007 1 q 2006改变共享数据)净收益(损失)755(576美元)的1331美元收益(损失)摊薄后每股3.22美元(合2.34美元)5.56美元净销售额3891美元4452美元(561美元)的部分结果第一季度税前收益(贡献)数百万1 q 2007 1 q 2006改变林地175美元198美元($23)木manbetx apk手机版制品($167)$117($284)纤维素纤维(1)$22($5)$27细纸(2)$20($756)$776硬纸板包装和回收67美元26美元41美元房地产和相关资产58美元172美元(114美元)企业和其他633美元(102美元)735美元(1)以前被称为纤维素纤维和白皮书(2)反映了在3月7日过渡到Domtar公司之前的两个月的运营。2007年第一季度2006年第四季度变化(13周)(14周)税前收入贡献(百万)175美元167美元8



manbetx apk手机版木制品2007年第一季度2006年第四季度变化(13周)(14周)税前收入贡献(费用)(百万)(167美元)205美元(372美元)






纤维素纤维2007年第1季度2006年第4季度变化(13周)(14周)税前收入贡献(百万)$22 $58 ($36)



2007年2季度展望 - 韦伊赫时代人预计这一这些分部的收益与第一季度相比,由于吸收性纤维的价格继续改善。本公司计划在本季度进行两台磨坊的日常维护停机时间。





2007年1季度绩效 - 由于利润率较低,第四季度从第四季度减少,单身家庭闭合的季节性下降被弱住房市场放大。此外,第四季度包括销售土地,批次和公寓项目的约1.38亿美元的收益。卖出的房屋积压但未关闭,大约五个月。








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欲了解更多信息,请联系:媒体 - 布鲁斯阿蒙德森(253)924-3047分析师 - 凯瑟琳·麦考利(253)924-2058 WEYERHAEUSER公司的统计资料(未经审计)合并年TO-每股盈利Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4日期(百万)四月三月,六月九月十二月26年12月1日,25,24,31,31,2007年2006年2006年2006年2006年2006年的净销售额和收入:惠好$ 3,404个$ 3,762 $ 4,122个$ 3,805 $ 3,649 $一五三三八房地产及相关资产487 690 746 749 1150 3335合计净销售和收入3891对4452 4868 4554 4799 18673成本和费用:惠好:产品成本出售(1)2785 2948 3191 3038 3007 12184折旧,折耗及摊销232 233 232 232 252 949销售费用109 100 116 112 123 451一般与管理费用200 235 205 214 241 895项研究及开发费用(2)16 16 15 23 15个69收费(逆转),用于重组(3)3(1)18个4  -  21收费的设施封闭件(4)5 2 5 15善意的50 72减值(5)22  -   -   -   -   - 退款的反补贴和反倾销税 -   -   -   - (344)(344)其他运行成本(收入),净(6)(7)21 31(26)(36)(107)(138)3393 3564 3756 3602 323714159房地产和相关资产:成本和运营支出(8)379 482 553 539 764 2338折旧和摊销6​​ 3 4 10 8 25销售费用41 37 43 44 56 180管理费用28个30 35 30 29 124个其它操作成本(收入),净(4)(3)3(2)(1)(3)长寿命资产减值 -   -  3 14 19 36 450 549 641 635 875对2700总成本和费用3843 4113 4397 4237 4112 16859操作收入48 339 471 317 687 1814利息费用及其它:惠好:利息费用支付(131)(128)(129)(126)(136)(519)减:利息资本30 16 20 21 26 83利息收益和其他2019 14 18 19 70公平分支机构(9)(1)3 7(1)(1)8房地产和相关资产的收入(损失):利息费用支付(12)(14)(14)(12)(15)(55)减:资本化利息 12 14 14 12 15 55 Interest income and other 3 10 3 7 10 30 Equity in income of unconsolidated entities 18 21 15 14 8 58 Earnings (loss) from continuing operations before income taxes (13) 280 401 250 613 1,544 Income taxes (1) (10) (3) (100) (91) (84) (202) (477) Earnings (loss) from continuing operations (16) 180 310 166 411 1,067 Earnings (loss) from discontinued operations, net of taxes (11) 771 (756) (13) 59 96 (614) Net earnings (loss) (1) $755 $(576) $297 $225 $507 $453 Basic net earnings (loss) per share: Continuing operations $(0.07) $0.73 $1.25 $0.67 $1.72 $4.36 Discontinued operations 3.31 (3.07) (0.05) 0.24 0.40 (2.51) Net earnings (loss) per share $3.24 $(2.34) $1.20 $0.91 $2.12 $1.85 Diluted net earnings (loss) per share: Continuing operations $(0.07) $0.73 $1.24 $0.67 $1.72 $4.34 Discontinued operations 3.29 (3.07) (0.05) 0.24 0.40 (2.50) Net earnings (loss) per share $3.22 $(2.34) $1.19 $0.91 $2.12 $1.84 Dividends paid per share $0.60 $0.50 $0.50 $0.60 $0.60 $2.20 Weighted average shares outstanding (in thousands): Basic 233,242 245,794 248,147 247,428 238,824 244,931 Diluted 234,679 245,794 249,194 247,900 239,525 245,707 Common and exchangeable shares outstanding at end of period (in thousands) 217,726 247,555 248,269 242,929 238,008 238,008 WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY STATISTICAL INFORMATION (unaudited) FOOTNOTES TO CONSOLIDATED EARNINGS (in millions) (1) The following adjustments were made to 2006 quarterly results to apply a new accounting pronouncement to expense planned major maintenance costs as incurred: Year-to- date Q1 2007 Q1 2006 Q2 2006 Q3 2006 Q4 2006 2006 Cellulose Fibers $- $(5) $(10) $13 $2 $- Fine Paper - 7 (10) 6 (3) - Containerboard, Packaging, and Recycling - 4 (5) 1 - - - 6 (25) 20 (1) - Income taxes - (2) 8 (6) - - Net earnings (loss) $- $4 $(17) $14 $(1) $- (2) The third quarter of 2006 includes a $9 million charge related to the acquisition of OrganicID, a research and development company. (3) The second quarter of 2006 includes an $18 million charge related to the restructuring of the Containerboard, Packaging and Recycling business model. (4) See detail of closure charges by segment on page 4. (5) The first quarter of 2007 includes a charge of $22 for the impairment of goodwill associated with Canadian wood products distribution facilities. Year-to- date Q1 2007 Q1 2006 Q2 2006 Q3 2006 Q4 2006 2006 (6) Includes net foreign exchange gains (losses), primarily from fluctuations in Canadian and New Zealand exchange rates: $7 $(26) $21 $17 $15 $27 (7) The first quarter of 2007 includes $34 million in asset impairments related to wood products facilities. The third quarter of 2006 includes $23 million of income related to a reduction of the reserve for hardboard siding claims and charges of $7 million for the impairment of fixed assets related to production curtailments. The fourth quarter of 2006 includes $95 million of income related to a reversal of the reserve for alder litigation claims. (8) The first quarter of 2006 includes income of $8 million related to a warranty insurance recovery. (9) The third quarter of 2006 includes a $2 million charge related to the impairment of investments in equity affiliates. (10) The second quarter of 2006 includes a one-time tax benefit of $48 million related to a change in Texas state income tax law, a reduction in the Canadian federal income tax rate and a deferred tax adjustment related to the Medicare Part D subsidy. (11) Discontinued operations includes the net operating results of the operations of Fine Paper and Related Assets and the North American and European composite panels operations. The first quarter of 2007 includes a pretax gain of $682 million and related tax benefit of $74 million on the distribution of the fine paper business and related assets to Weyerhaeuser shareholders. The first and second quarters of 2006 include charges of $746 million and $3 million, respectively, for the impairment of goodwill associated with the fine paper business. The third quarter of 2006 includes a pretax gain of $51 million and related tax expense of $18 million associated with the sale of the North American composite panels operations and an $8 million charge to write off additional goodwill associated with the coastal British Columbia operations. The fourth quarter of 2006 includes a pretax gain of $45 million and related tax expense of $4 million associated with the sale of the Irish composite panels operations. WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY STATISTICAL INFORMATION (unaudited) Net sales and revenues (in Year-to- millions): (1)(2) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 date April March June Sept. Dec. Dec. 1, 26, 25, 24, 31, 31, 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Timberlands: Logs $170 $201 $198 $200 $182 $781 Other products 63 62 71 46 56 235 233 263 269 246 238 1,016 Wood Products: Softwood lumber 574 782 857 733 625 2,997 Plywood 100 135 147 134 113 529 Veneer 9 13 13 9 7 42 Composite panels 24 121 140 71 25 357 Oriented strand board 152 287 273 203 176 939 Hardwood lumber 90 99 105 96 98 398 Engineered I-Joists 117 169 202 162 137 670 Engineered solid section 155 204 231 190 169 794 Logs 6 7 5 5 6 23 Other products 243 256 327 302 268 1,153 1,470 2,073 2,300 1,905 1,624 7,902 Cellulose Fibers: Pulp 405 394 402 404 457 1,657 Liquid packaging board 56 46 62 59 62 229 Other products 21 13 16 19 22 70 482 453 480 482 541 1,956 Fine Paper: (2) Paper 432 613 601 604 652 2,470 Coated groundwood 26 40 44 42 45 171 Other products 1 1 1 2 - 4 459 654 646 648 697 2,645 Containerboard, Packaging and Recycling: Containerboard 119 82 84 92 119 377 Packaging 951 911 1,002 997 1,021 3,931 Recycling 94 80 85 89 91 345 Bags 23 20 20 23 25 88 Other products 39 34 46 44 47 171 1,226 1,127 1,237 1,245 1,303 4,912 Real Estate and Related Assets 487 690 746 749 1,150 3,335 Corporate and Other 97 116 117 123 128 484 Less: sales of discontinued operations (563) (924) (927) (844) (882) (3,577) $3,891 $4,452 $4,868 $4,554 $4,799 $18,673 (1) The fourth quarter of 2006 includes 14 weeks of operations compared to 13 weeks in all other quarters. (2) First quarter 2007 results include 9 weeks of operations for Fine Paper and related assets, prior to the distribution of these assets to Weyerhaeuser shareholders. Contribution (charge) to pre-tax Year-to- earnings: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 date (in millions) April March June Sept. Dec. Dec. 1, 26, 25, 24, 31, 31, 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Timberlands (1) (2) $175 $198 $224 $178 $167 $767 Wood Products (1) (2) (5) (167) 117 131 11 205 464 Cellulose Fibers (1) (2) (4) 22 (5) 23 66 58 142 Fine Paper (1) (2) (4) (6) 20 (756) (20) 68 61 (647) Containerboard, Packaging and Recycling (1) (2) (4) (7) 67 26 69 97 71 263 Real Estate and Related Assets (2) (8) 58 172 123 135 293 723 Corporate and Other (1) (2) (3) (9) 633 (102) (40) (78) (3) (223) $808 $(350) $510 $477 $852 $1,489 WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY STATISTICAL INFORMATION (unaudited) FOOTNOTES TO CONTRIBUTION (CHARGE) TO PRE-TAX EARNINGS (in millions) Year-to- (1) Closure charges by date segment: Q1 2007 Q1 2006 Q2 2006 Q3 2006 Q4 2006 2006 Timberlands $- $- $- $- $1 $1 Wood Products 3 - 1 10 48 59 Cellulose Fibers - (1) - 1 (3) (3) Fine Paper 2 - 11 3 1 15 Containerboard, Packaging and Recycling 2 2 5 3 4 14 Corporate and Other - - - 26 - 26 $7 $1 $17 $43 $51 $112


(2)基于股份的薪酬费用(收入)年度 - 由日期分部认可:Q1 2007 Q1 2006 Q2 2006 Q2 2006 Q 3 2006 Q4 2006 2006 2006年摩门兰$ 1 $ 1 $  -  $  -  $  -  $ 1木制品2 2  -  1 3纤维素manbetx apk手机版纤维2 1  -  1  -  1 2精细纸 -   -   -  1  -  1箱框,包装和再循环1 2(1)1  -  2房地产及相关资产2  -  2  -  2公司等14 15(5)1 7 18$ $ 22 $ 21(4)$ 3 $ 9 $ 29(3)汇兑净收益同比─(亏损)的公司包括日期和2007年第一季度2006年第一季度2006年第二季度2006年第三季度2006年第四季度2006年其他:$ 7 $(26)$ 20 $ $ 17 $ 14 25(4)查看季度调整的详细信息,以适用于第2页的预先计划的项目主要维护成本的季度调整。(5)额外的木制品说明:(a)2007年第一季度包括减值22美元的费用manbetx apk手机版与加拿大配送设施相关的善意和与木制品设施相关的资产障碍3400万美元。manbetx apk手机版(b)2006年第三季度包括与减少硬盘申请索赔的储备有关的2300万美元收入。(c)2006年第三季度包括销售本公司北美复合板运营的5100万美元。(d)2006年第三季度包括700万美元,用于与生产削减相关的固定资产减值。(e)2006年第四季度包括退税和反倾销职责的34400万美元的收入。(f)2006年第四季度包括亚拉德诉讼索赔的储备逆转有9500万美元的收入。 (6) Additional Fine Paper notes: (a) The first and second quarters of 2006 include charges of $746 million and $3 million, respectively, for the impairment of goodwill associated with the fine paper business. (7) Additional Containerboard, Packaging and Recycling notes: (a) The second and third quarters of 2006 include charges of $18 million and $3 million, respectively, related to the restructuring of the Containerboard, Packaging and Recycling business model. (8) Additional Real Estate and Related Assets notes: (a) The first quarter of 2006 includes income of $8 million related to a warranty insurance recovery and income of $9 million related to recognition of deferred income in connection with partnership restructurings. (b) The first quarter of 2007 includes net gains on land and lot sales of $3 million. The first, second, third and fourth quarters of 2006 include net gains (losses) on land and lot sales of $33 million, ($1) million, $0, and $110 million, respectively, or $142 million year-to-date. The fourth quarter of 2006 also includes a $28 million gain on the sale of an apartment building. (c) The second, third, and fourth quarters of 2006 include charges for the impairment of assets of $3 million, $14 million, and $19 million, respectively, or $36 million year-to-date. (9) Additional Corporate and Other notes: (a) The first quarter of 2007 includes a $682 million pretax gain on the distribution of the Fine Paper business and related assets to Weyerhaeuser shareholders. (b) The third quarter of 2006 includes an $8 million charge to write off additional goodwill associated with the coastal British Columbia operations. (c) The third quarter of 2006 includes a $9 million charge related to the acquisition of OrganicID, a research and development company. (d) The fourth quarter of 2006 includes a $45 million pretax gain on the sale of the company's Irish composite panels operations. WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY STATISTICAL INFORMATION (unaudited) Third party sales Year-to- volumes: (1)(2) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 date April March June Sept. Dec. Dec. 1, 26, 25, 24, 31, 31, 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Timberlands (thousands): Logs - cunits 750 935 808 850 843 3,436 Wood Products (millions): Softwood lumber - board feet 1,657 1,921 2,113 1,974 1,863 7,871 Plywood - square feet (3/8") 310 389 458 437 379 1,663 Veneer - square feet (3/8") 57 61 63 48 43 215 Composite panels - square feet (3/4") 36 302 324 139 37 802 Oriented strand board - square feet (3/8") 942 1,000 1,069 989 1,038 4,096 Hardwood lumber - board feet 89 103 110 100 99 412 Engineered I-Joists - lineal feet 82 114 137 110 95 456 Engineered solid section - cubic feet 7 9 11 9 7 36 Logs - cunits (in thousands) 46 55 46 26 42 169 Cellulose Fibers (thousands): Pulp - air-dry metric tons 594 651 647 625 698 2,621 Liquid packaging board - tons 67 56 71 72 76 275 Fine Paper (thousands): (2) Paper - tons 461 753 662 641 693 2,749 Coated groundwood - tons 38 52 59 59 64 234 Paper converting - tons 318 511 474 462 485 1,932 Containerboard, Packaging and Recycling (thousands): Containerboard - tons 259 211 189 202 254 856 Packaging - MSF 17,754 18,342 19,168 18,425 18,932 74,867 Recycling - tons 654 733 719 678 745 2,875 Kraft bags and sacks - tons 25 20 20 22 27 89 Real Estate and Related Assets: Single-family homes sold 1,684 1,472 1,325 906 838 4,541 Single-family homes closed 976 1,161 1,483 1,439 1,753 5,836 Single-family homes sold but not closed at end of period 2,207 3,105 2,947 2,414 1,499 1,499 (1) The fourth quarter of 2006 includes 14 weeks of operations compared to 13 weeks in all other quarters. (2) First quarter 2007 results include 9 weeks of operations for Fine Paper and related assets, prior to the distribution of these assets to Weyerhaeuser shareholders. WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY STATISTICAL INFORMATION Total production Year-to- volumes: (1)(2) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 date April March June Sept. Dec. Dec. 1, 26, 25, 24, 31, 31, 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Timberlands (thousands): Fee depletion - cunits 2,140 2,132 2,083 2,040 2,195 8,450 Wood Products (millions): Softwood lumber - board feet 1,427 1,663 1,650 1,559 1,483 6,355 Plywood - square feet (3/8") 114 241 245 237 177 900 Veneer - square feet (3/8") (3) 298 455 455 494 335 1,739 Composite panels - square feet (3/4") - 278 288 100 - 666 Oriented strand board - square feet (3/8") 968 1,073 1,062 1,009 1,022 4,166 Hardwood lumber - board feet 73 82 83 82 77 324 Engineered I-Joists - lineal feet 87 121 136 130 86 473 Engineered solid section - cubic feet 6 11 12 10 8 41 Cellulose Fibers (thousands): Pulp - air-dry metric tons 539 676 588 660 664 2,588 Liquid packaging board - tons 60 61 75 73 73 282 Fine Paper (thousands): (2) Paper - tons (4) 444 724 672 675 725 2,796 Coated groundwood - tons 43 56 56 59 59 230 Paper converting - tons 318 498 461 485 487 1,931 Containerboard, Packaging and Recycling (thousands): Containerboard - tons (5) 1,515 1,575 1,533 1,544 1,608 6,260 Packaging - MSF 19,007 19,550 20,290 19,341 20,670 79,851 Recycling - tons (6) 1,619 1,716 1,684 1,641 1,788 6,829 Kraft bags and sacks - tons 23 19 20 18 25 82 (1) The fourth quarter of 2006 includes 14 weeks of operations compared to 13 weeks in all other quarters. (2) First quarter 2007 results include 9 weeks of operations for Fine Paper and related assets, prior to the distribution of these assets to Weyerhaeuser shareholders. (3) Veneer production represents lathe production and includes volumes that are further processed into plywood and engineered lumber products by company mills. (4) Paper production includes unprocessed rolls and converted paper volumes. (5) Containerboard production represents machine production and includes volumes that are further processed into packaging and kraft bags and sacks by company facilities. (6) Recycling production includes volumes processed in Weyerhaeuser recycling facilities that are consumed by company facilities and brokered volumes. WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY STATISTICAL INFORMATION CONDENSED CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (unaudited) (in millions) April 1, Dec. 31, Assets 2007 2006 Weyerhaeuser Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents $1,172 $223 Receivables, less allowances 1,394 1,183 Inventories 1,437 1,367 Prepaid expenses 356 396 Assets held for sale 114 105 Current assets of discontinued operations - 847 Total current assets 4,473 4,121 Property and equipment 6,850 7,067 Construction in progress 467 395 Timber and timberlands at cost, less fee stumpage charged to disposals 3,705 3,681 Investments in and advances to equity affiliates 498 499 Goodwill 2,158 2,185 Deferred pension and other assets 1,378 1,369 Restricted assets held by special purpose entities 915 917 Noncurrent assets of discontinued operations - 3,004 20,444 23,238 Real Estate and Related Assets Cash and cash equivalents 13 20 Receivables, less allowances 77 144 Real estate in process of development and for sale 1,540 1,449 Land being processed for development 1,427 1,365 Investments in unconsolidated entities, less reserves 81 72 Other assets 396 423 Consolidated assets not owned 264 151 3,798 3,624 Total assets $24,242 $26,862 Liabilities and Shareholders' Interest Weyerhaeuser Current liabilities: Notes payable and commercial paper $163 $72 Current maturities of long-term debt 70 494 Accounts payable 920 948 Accrued liabilities 1,220 1,350 Current liabilities of discontinued operations - 265 Total current liabilities 2,373 3,129 Long-term debt 6,849 7,069 Deferred income taxes 2,897 3,021 Deferred pension, other postretirement benefits and other liabilities 1,691 1,759 Liabilities (nonrecourse to Weyerhaeuser) held by special purpose entities 763 765 Noncurrent liabilities of discontinued operations - 707 14,573 16,450 Real Estate and Related Assets Notes payable and commercial paper 427 - Long-term debt 605 606 Other liabilities 565 606 Consolidated liabilities not owned 232 115 1,829 1,327 Total liabilities 16,402 17,777 Shareholders' interest 7,840 9,085 Total liabilities and shareholders' interest $24,242 $26,862 WEYERHAEUSER COMPANY STATISTICAL INFORMATION STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS Year-to- SELECTED INFORMATION Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 date (unaudited) April March June Sept. Dec. Dec. 1, 26, 25, 24, 31, 31, (in millions) 2007 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 (Weyerhaeuser only, excludes Real Estate & Related Assets) Net cash from operations $180 $(324) $292 $373 $887 $1,228 Cash paid for property and equipment $(114) $(182) $(184) $(173) $(273) $(812) Cash paid for timberlands reforestation $(12) $(12) $(9) $(6) $(10) $(37) Cash received from issuances of debt $- $- $- $3 $1 $4 Revolving credit facilities, notes and commercial paper borrowings, net $10 $(68) $19 $195 $(95) $51 Payments on debt $(638) $(158) $(10) $(58) $(5) $(231) Proceeds from the sale of operations $1,350 $- $- $187 $86 $273 Repurchases of common stock $- $- $- $(332) $(340) $(672)


照片: -a. -b.





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